Anwar Shahid has been a career banker with extensive experience in Hong Kong and Bangladesh both in Risk Management and Corporate Banking. He has also substantial experience in Trading and Financial Consultancy business in the Far East & South Asia .
Mr. Shahid , an Honours Graduate In Economics as well as Masters in Economics from University of Dhaka with brilliant academic record ,joined Grindlays Bank (now Standard Chartered Bank) in Bangladesh and later worked for Bank of Credit & Commerce International (BCCI) in Hong Kong as an International Officer in Managerial Positions in key departments and Branch.
Subsequently , Mr. Shahid started his Commodity and Garments trading business in Hong Kong and eventually moved the business to Bangladesh. Presently beside trading business in Garments and Commodity Mr. Shahid is involved in facilitation Foreign Investors in Bangladesh. With his experience in Bangladesh and Overseas, involvement with number of bilateral Foreign Chambers and strong networking in both Public and Private sector in Bangladesh, he has acquired very clear understanding about requirement of the Foreign investors and well equipped for smooth execution of the Foreign Investments.
Given his wide experience in Banking and Financial Consultancy and his standing in the Business Community , Mr Shahid was appointed a Director in the Board of Sonali Bank, the largest bank in Bangladesh . He was also a Director in the Board of Sonali Investment Ltd, a merchant bank owned by Sonali Bank Ltd.
Mr. Shahid is very actively involved in social and community services, including number of education institutions and an orphanage.
He is member of a number of elite social clubs and professional associations
in Bangladesh.